Artwork Charlevoix de St Irenée, 1982 by Judy Archer 
Judy Archer - Body Talk, Inner Relationship


TRE Tension/Trauma Releasing Exercises

David Berceli & Judy Archer
at Surrey, BC Sept 25 - 16, 2012 Training

Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises were originally developed to address the impacts of traumatic experiences on the body; however we have become aware that TRE benefits all people. Hurtful experiences, stress and tension are part of everyone’s life and we often do not realize how these experiences are etched deeply in the mind and the body.

TRE, unlike other modalities is designed too release the deeply held physical tension and bring the body back to a natural balance where all the systems are working in harmony. New benefits reveal themselves everyday, as the body releases held tension and traumatic events. Healing occurs on many different levels both physical and emotional. By reducing stress and tension levels within the body, these exercises have secondary benefits which are listed below.

Reported Benefits include:
  • Less worry and anxiety
  • Reduces symptoms of PTSD
  • More energy and endurance
  • Less workplace stress
  • Better sleep
  • Less relationship conflict
  • Reduced muscle & back pain Increased flexibility
  • Greater emotional resiliency
  • Decrease symptoms of vicarious trauma
  • Healing old injuries
  • Lessening anxiety surrounding serious illness
  • Relief from chronic medical conditions

Artwork Charlevoix de St Irenée, 1982 by Judy Archer      |      site developed by